Fans of stylish, dense drug-trade sagas like Netflix’s “Narcos” will want to check out director Dante Lam’s “Operation Mekong,” a Hong Kong action-thriller about the real-life hunt for a murderous kingpin in the wilds of the Golden Triangle. Though more sensationalistic than serious, this film has a scale and an energy that rivals any Hollywood blockbuster.
风格潇洒、情节激烈的缉毒影片总能吸引一大批粉丝,比如网飞(Netflix)推出的《缉毒特警》(Narcos)。现在这些粉丝对香港导演林超贤执导的动作片《湄公河行动》(Operation Mekong)充满期待,影片讲述了追捕金三角荒野地带凶残的贩毒头目的真实故事。虽然在严肃的话题基础上增加了煽情元素,但该片的规模和气场足以匹敌好莱坞大片。
Zhang Hanyu and Eddie Peng costar as experienced narcotics officers from different jurisdictions, thrown together to thwart notorious drug lord and pirate captain Naw Kham, whose operatives have been spreading violence and obstructing trade from Thailand to mainland China.
“Operation Mekong” was inspired by the 2011 “Mekong River Massacre,” and the international furor that followed. Don’t expect docu-realistic detail of what happened, though. This film is framed more like a straightforward buddy cop picture, with flatly functional dialogue to set up the next chase scene.
The ins and outs of the massacre and its geopolitical and criminal ramifications are presented in the first 10 minutes. There are three main set pieces: a breathless foot chase through a market and a train station that turns to a spectacular car chase, a mall shootout with a devastating outcome, and last but not least, the assault on Naw Khar’s jungle lair and subsequent boat chase on the Mekong.
Lam packs the movie with white-knuckle action sequences, set in eye-catching locations, teeming with extras. Every penny of what must have been a substantial budget is evident in shots where hundreds of people and multiple helicopters are on-screen for just a few seconds.